Access D2L, Office 365, Payment Portal, Max, email and more.
Take advantage of the many resources to help you get ahead in your courses. Including tips for success, D2L and technology resources, tutoring, counseling, library support and many more.
Access D2L, Office 365, Payment Portal, Max, email and more.
Call 717-871-7777, email help@141272.com or visit the Help desk site for all of your needs.
Your Academic Advisor is available to answer your questions. Your advisor is in your major, click on your college to learn more. This information should be listed in your myVILLE portal. If this information is not located on your Degree Audit, please contact one of the following offices:
Several offices/departments across campus provide opportunities to assist you in your learning and help you enhance your academic performance to meet your individual learning goals. These include:
As a Millersville student, you have 24/7 remote access to Millersville’s library resources. Learn more about utilizing library resources, finding information, research help, and much more.
All of the library's electronic resources and services (ie. LibrarySearch and discipline specific research databases, electronic items on Course Reserves, ejournals, ebooks, and streaming video) are available via remote access to members of the university community using their university credentials.
The library building will be open for use and in-person services during the spring semester. See the library calendar for scheduled hours of operation. The library lobby, café area, and reading room are available to current MU students for study 24 hours per day(excludes semester breaks) during the spring semester. MU students can use their MU ID card to swipe in for access to the 24-hour area after the main library has closed. Wi-Fi and color printing are available.
The library offers remote and in-person Research Assistance (“Ask A Librarian”) during the following hours:
RESEARCH ASSISTANCE (“Ask a Librarian”):
Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Sunday: 6 – 9 p.m.
Students can schedule on-line or in person meetings with a specific librarian through the library’s website.